Due to a heat index above 95, Cresset Christian Academy will have modified dress code for Thursday and Friday. We will return to normal dress code on Monday, August 30th. Please exercise modesty in dress if athletic shorts and t-shirts are worn.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Due to a heat index greater than 95, students may wear comfortable clothes. As with all heat index days, please maintain modesty with regards to the length of shorts.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Due to a Heat Index above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, Cresset Christian Academy students may wear comfortable clothes (gym shorts, t-shirts). Please maintain modesty in dress with shorts and t-shirts.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Due to a heat index of 95 for Thursday, August 19th, dress code is relaxed. Students may wear gym shorts of appropriate length and t-shirts that are modest in appearance. At this time, the heat index dress code applies to Thursday only.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Heat Index Warning
Cresset Christian Academy family, we are here on the dawn of August 18th, the first day of school . As you prep for the day, know that the teachers and staff are ready to see you. We are looking forward to a good day! See you in the morning!
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Welcome Back!
It is here! Back to school night is tonight so see you soon! New families are joining us at 4:00 PM and returning families at 5:00 PM.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Kona Ice
It's almost here - 24 hours to go. Back to school night is tomorrow, August 16th. New families will start at 4:00 PM and returning families will start at 5:00 PM. See you soon!
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Back to School
Are you ready? Back to school for Cresset Christian Academy is Monday, August 16th. Families that are new to Cresset will join us starting at 4:00 PM. Our returning families will join us beginning at 5:00 PM. We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday!
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Back to School
Cresset Christian Academy high school students are going on an Inaugural Leadership Retreat to Camp Bethel, located in scenic Fincastle, Virginia. Students in grades 9-12 are invited to join us August 18th-20th on a trip that is designed to shape our future leaders.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Camp Bethel (Fincastle, Va.)
Cresset is looking forward to a new school year with all classrooms and grades preparing for in person learning. Summer is still calling out to us through hot and sunny days and we are continuing to prepare for the start of school on August 18th.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Mrs. Galdamez - Big Thumbs Up!
As we approach the beginning of the new school, please take a moment to welcome our new staff. Teaching science is Dr. Kimi Smith. Teaching 2nd Grade is Mrs. Jillian Sanchez. Directing Athletics and PE will be Mr. Sherard Johnson.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Sherard Johnson
Kimi Smith
Jillilan Sanchez
During the week of July 5th the offices of Cresset Christian Academy will be closed. Summer office hours will resume on July 12th from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
4th of July
Summer Camp has gotten off to a hot start. Kids have run and played outside, done crafts, visited a museum, learned new skills and made new friends. Whether playing games such as soccer or hide-n-seek, or just learning how to ride a hoverboard, the smiles have been abundant.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Summer Camp
Monday, May 24th, after a fun afternoon of jet-ski riding, the Class of 2021 took a few minutes to eat a meal together. Shrimp burgers, cheeseburgers, crab cakes, fries and onion rings were enjoyed by all.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Senior Trip - Dinner at Provisions
Great news: Wednesday Coffee & Muffins are back and this time, we've included Durham Toffee gift bags for $15. Grab a pick-me-up during drop-off this morning to support our seniors mission trip!
over 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Cresset Reminders: Teacher Appreciation Week! Monday- bring your teacher a handwritten card Tuesday- bring flowers for your teacher. (Also wear red for National Teacher Day!) Wednesday- bring a salty treat for your teacher Thursday- bring a sweet treat for your teacher Friday- treat your teacher to lunch with a gift card.
over 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
2021 teacher appreciation
Proverbs 22:6 admonishes us all to "train up a child in the way [they] should go; and when [they are] old [they] will not depart from it. This week Cresset Christian Academy celebrates its teachers and the efforts they have put forth to aid this journey. They have been persistent in their dedication. The Cresset family expresses its gratitude for their dedication.
over 3 years ago, Steven Wall
Cresset Reminders: Tuesday, April 27 is picture day! Don't forget to lay out that favorite spring picture-day outfit for tomorrow. PENNY WARS concludes tomorrow, 4/27. Empty those piggy banks! The winning class gets a Chick-Fil-A lunch :)
over 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Happy Thursday Cresset, we hope to pleasantly surprise you with coffee & muffins this morning to support our Senior Trip & to help you power through this work week.
over 3 years ago, Cresset Christian
Penny wars is back! Check your couch cushions and pockets for spare change. Preschool, Elementary, Middle and High schools are competing for the ultimate prize. In the main office, during the morning hours (7:30-8:05), all upper school students (6th-12th) may sabotage each other with silver coins & dollars. Competition runs through Tuesday morning!
over 3 years ago, Cresset Christian